The Ultimate Guide: 100 Self-care Activities for Busy Moms

a cup of tea and a book
REST word on a paper beside a book.

The demanding life of moms

Being a mother is a joyous and fulfilling role, but it can also be incredibly demanding and overwhelming. Balancing the needs of your children, household responsibilities, and perhaps even a career can leave little time for yourself.

As a busy mother, it’s easy to neglect your own well-being in favor of tending to the needs of others. The chores seem neverending as you put yourself last at all times.

However, it’s important to recognize that self-care and relaxing activities are not luxuries but essential components of maintaining your physical and mental health.

In this fast-paced world, finding time to relax as a busy mother may seem like an impossible task.

This long list, we will explore practical ideas to help you carve out moments of relaxation amidst the chaos. I hope that you will find this ‘100 Self-care Activities for Busy Moms’ useful in finding the time to take care of yourself.

Why do you need to do relaxing activities?

By prioritizing your own well-being, you’ll not only recharge your own batteries but also become a happier, more present, and resilient mother.

As you embark on this journey towards self-care, it’s important to remember that finding time for relaxation doesn’t mean completely overhauling your schedule or neglecting your responsibilities.  It’s about making conscious choices and small adjustments to create pockets of tranquility in your daily routine. Moreover, the key lies in recognizing that self-care is not selfish; it’s an act of self-preservation that benefits both you and your loved ones

How to make the relaxation time possible?

Consider incorporating simple self-care practices into your daily life to make the most of your limited time. Embrace the power of mindfulness by taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breath, observe your thoughts, and cultivate a sense of calm.

Also, engage in activities that bring you joy and peace, whether it’s reading a book, taking a bubble bath, or going out for a walk. These small moments of respite can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Get help.

Make that relaxation time possible. Don’t hesitate to enlist the support of your partner, family, or friends. By delegating tasks and asking for help, you can create more space for self-care.

Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone—seeking assistance is a sign of strength, not weakness.

How to use these 100 relaxing activities to prioritize your self-care?

First, choose 1 to do per day or 4 in one week. It will be up to you if you decide to do it as your “alone” time or if you do it with your family. Do what works.

Second, just go for it. Make it a priority.

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and it’s important to intentionally find activities and practices that resonate with you.

Choose activities that align with your interests, needs, and schedule. Start with small steps and gradually incorporate more self-care activities into your routine. Prioritize your well-being and make self-care a regular part of your life as a busy mother.

The 100 ways to relax:

1. Take a relaxing bath with your favorite bath salts or oils.

2. Write in a journal to reflect on your thoughts and emotions.

3. Go for a walk, enjoy nature, and soak up the fresh air.

4. Treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment.

5. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea and savor the moment.

6. Try a new recipe and indulge in a home-cooked meal. Why not try this classic banana bread recipe?

a woman on a rug reading a book and drinking coffee.

7. Curl up with a good book and get lost in a story.

8. Practice deep breathing exercises to reduce stress.

9. Watch a movie or TV show that brings you joy.

10. Take a power nap to recharge your energy.

11. Meet a friend for coffee or a chat.

12. Engage in a creative activity like painting or crafting.

13. Go for a run or engage in a workout that energizes you.

14. Do some gentle stretching to relax your body and mind.

15. Listen to calming music or create a playlist of your favorite songs.

16. Write down three things you’re grateful for.

A basin with flowers and a feet.

17. Treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure.

18. Disconnect from technology for a few hours and enjoy a digital detox.

19. Have a picnic in the park with your favorite snacks.

20. Start a personal daily devotion or Bible study and reflect on the scriptures. Gain wisdom, guidance, and encouragement for your daily life. Check out this daily devotion for women and grow spiritually.

21. If you find sorting things therapeutic, sort your kids’ closet or your kitchen condiments, etc. Leisurely do a small portion first. Prevent the possible wave of overwhelm.

22. Try a new hobby or revisit an old one.

23. Have a solo date night and do something you love.

24. Do a puzzle or play a board game to unwind.

25. Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment.

26. Explore a nearby museum or art gallery.

27. Write yourself a love letter celebrating your strengths and achievements.

28. Have a dance party in your living room to uplift your spirits.

29. Plant flowers or start a small herb garden.

30. Treat yourself to a fancy dessert or your favorite treat.

31. Practice positive affirmations to boost self-confidence.

32. Sit down, relax, and clean up your inbox, apps, and gallery.

33. Volunteer for a cause that resonates with you.

34. Treat yourself to a new outfit or accessory.

35. Take a day off from all-day chores and give yourself a break. Prep meals the day before or make something easy. Take out your meal or have it delivered. It’s supposed to be a chill day.

36. Have a picnic in your backyard or balcony.

A person taking an online course through a computer.

37. Learn a new skill or take online courses to learn more about your interests, pick up a new hobby, prepare yourself for that dream side hustle, etc.

38. Listen to a podcast on a topic that interests you.

39. Write a letter to someone you love or admire.

40. Have a solo movie night with popcorn and your favorite films.

41. Explore a local bookstore and indulge in a new book.

42. Practice aromatherapy with essential oils.

43. Take yourself out on a date to a favorite restaurant or café.

44. Create a vision board with your goals and dreams.

45. Write a letter to your kids that they will read someday.

46. Write a list of things that make you happy and do one each day.

47. Have a technology-free evening and spend quality time with loved ones.

48. Treat yourself to a bouquet of fresh flowers.

49. Write a self-care plan or schedule for the upcoming week.

50. Take a day trip to a nearby beach or lake.

51. Try a new hairstyle or experiment with makeup.

52. Take yourself on a solo shopping trip and buy something you love.

53. Practice gratitude by writing thank-you notes to loved ones.

54. Take a scenic drive and enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.

55. Create a cozy reading nook in your home.

A notebook, a pen and eyeglasses on a study table.

56. Write down your goals and make an action plan to achieve them.

57. Treat yourself to a bubble bath with candles and soft music.

58. Visit a local farmers market and pick out fresh produce.

59. Join a book club or start one with friends.

60. Spend time with a furry friend by volunteering at an animal shelter.

61. Have a technology-free morning and start the day with mindfulness or meditation.

Yellow wild flowers in bloom.

62. Take a photography walk and capture the beauty of your neighborhood.

63. Attend a local event or concert.

64. Practice self-compassion and speak kindly to yourself.

65. Take a day off from household chores and hire a cleaning service if you have the budget.

66. Explore a new hiking trail or nature reserve.

67. Treat yourself to a new plant for your home or garden.

68. Write down your dreams and aspirations for the future.

69. Create a self-care playlist with uplifting and inspiring songs.

70. Go stargazing and marvel at the night sky.

71. Try a new form of exercise like pilates or dance.

72. Visit a local art class or workshop to tap into your creativity.

73. Treat yourself to a day of pampering at a spa or wellness retreat.

74. Practice random acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones.

75. Take up a new hobby like knitting, sewing, or gardening. I picked up sewing when I became a new mom. If you want to try sewing, you can start here.

76. Go to bed early.

77. Write down positive affirmations and place them around your home.

78. Attend a retreat for a deeper dive into relaxation.

79. Take a leisurely bike ride and explore your neighborhood.

80. Treat yourself to a solo outing to a museum or art exhibition.

81. Write down your favorite inspirational quotes or Bible verses and refer to them when you need a boost.

82. Spend time in nature by going for a hike or having a picnic in a park.

83. Take up a new form of art therapy, such as coloring or pottery.

84. Treat yourself to a spa day at home with face masks, body scrubs, and relaxation techniques.

85. Plan your dream travel itinerary to the detail. Get inspired while relaxing.

86. Create a cozy and inviting space in your home for relaxation, such as a reading nook or meditation corner.

87. Explore new surroundings in your area. You go alone or bring the kids.

88. Practice mindfulness while enjoying a favorite hobby, such as gardening or cooking.

89. Try doodling.

90. Write a list of things that make you laugh and watch a comedy show or movie.

91. Spend time in silence and practice being present in the moment.

92. Treat yourself to a guilt-free day of doing nothing and simply relax – in your pajamas.

93. Take a scenic drive and listen to soothing music or a podcast.

94. Participate in a virtual or in-person exercise class that aligns with your interests.

95. Plan a weekend getaway with friends or loved ones to recharge and rejuvenate. Okay, maybe not a weekend getaway. Grab a lunch or snacks for a friend and eat together. Anywhere. No need for laborious planning.  

96. Take a day off from work and spend it solely on self-care of your feet. Have a foot massage or pedicure.

A cup of coffee beside a pot of succulent by the window.

97. If coffee is your thing, try a new coffee recipe in your kitchen.

98. Write down your dreams and aspirations for the future and create an action plan to achieve them. Or make a vision board if you have the time.

99. Spend quality time with loved ones, engaging in activities that bring you joy. Schedule a night to watch a movie or play board games.

Coffee and Bible

100. Most importantly, prioritize quiet time with God. Set aside a specific time each day to spend in prayer, meditation, and reading the Bible. This intentional time of connecting with God can bring peace and rejuvenation to your soul. Consider waking up a bit earlier or finding a quiet moment during the day to have this dedicated time with God.

As a busy mother, finding time to relax and prioritize self-care is vital for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Remember, you are taking care of other human beings.

By implementing these simple yet effective calming self-care activities into your daily routine, and seeking support when needed, you can find a balance between your responsibilities and your own well-being.

Finally, be encouraged!

“For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'” – Isaiah 41:13

This Bible verse reminds us of God’s comfort, rest, and grace that is ready to be poured into your life. God understands your weariness and offers His strength and comfort.

So, take a deep breath, let’s embrace the journey, and embark on a path towards better relaxation and self-care. Our body is a temple of God, we have to take care of it.

Stay well!