About Ouryellowhaus

Hi There!

My name is Eds. I work full-time as a lab scientist and am a mom to two boys, Teo and Sam. I am a person who loves reading and having a quiet time — doesn’t always happen but yes, it is possible! I love a cup of coffee (reheated twice haha), finding hacks and tips, making lists, frugal living, and sewing. Some days I long to have an extra hand and 4 hours.

My family loves food (the hubs love to cook!), play dough, books, puzzles, toy cars, singing in church, taking long walks together, camping, scouring the neighborhood for the best burger, and visiting pet shops. We are a family of four, accompanied by a green parrot named Pumpkin and five tiny, neon fish that are yet to be named.

Why Ouryellowhaus?

We once lived in an apartment in a light yellow-painted building surrounded by cafes and shops. As a family who loves the outdoors, we would spend long hours on end walking around the neighborhood. One night as we strolled towards home, my then 2-year-old son Teo pointed at our building and exclaimed, “That’s our yellow house!” as if finding it after getting lost in our leisurely walk.

From then on, we became the “Yellow House” team.

It gained a whole new meaning when, through the years, we had people over at our home to have dinner, Bible study, practice songs for the church, celebrate milestones, birthdays, Christmas, and random visits just because.


The Yellow House was our home for five years. In those years, we have made a lot of good memories with friends and family. We have discovered the joy of camping and fishing. I have made an extra cash sewing (it was crazy and fun!) and stumbled upon blogging while in quarantine due to Covid. Yes, the decision to set up this blog was made at the height of a fever and fits of coughing.

There were times, too when life was trying and we wondered when the “lean season” would end. But when I look back with a heart of gratitude, I see vivid memories of fun, crazy, simple, and yet beautiful things that happened in that place.

My family now lives in a different home in another city but it remained in our conversations and our stories. It isn’t just a yellow-painted building anymore. It has become synonymous with many other words like fun and new beginnings. With resilience, praying hard. With trials and breakthroughs.  With faith, hope, and love. With grace upon grace upon grace.

Such was the story of Our Yellow House.

This Blog

OURYELLOWHAUS is a blog for women looking for a tiny dose of everything: a pocket of quiet time, a quick adventure, a dash of encouragement for the tired at heart, a mini tasty treat, and a sense of order at home and in life.

A “tiny dose”, because when we cannot have much, a “tiny dose” can do so much for a truly grateful heart.

I hope this blog helps you in nurturing your heart and home. Stay well.

Warm hugs,


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